
Here you'll find tutorials and articles about modern web technologies. I try to learn something new every day and if i learn something that i think might be interesting to someone else, i will write about it.

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Nuxt 3 - Turn Your App into a PWA with @vite-pwa/nuxt
2024-12-15 β€’ β˜•οΈ7 min read
Tutorial on how to turn a Nuxt 3 app into a Progressive Web App (PWA) using @vite-pwa/nuxt.
Tutorial on how to turn a Nuxt 3 app into a Progressive Web App (PWA) using @vite-pwa/nuxt.
Prisma - How to upgrade and migrate to new version.
2023-01-02 β€’ β˜•οΈ2 min read
In this tutorial you will learn how to upgrade prisma and migrate to new version.
In this tutorial you will learn how to upgrade prisma and migrate to new version.
Nuxt 3 - Deploy to firebase hosting with nuxt-vuefire and nitro firebase preset
2023-08-31 β€’ β˜•οΈ10 min read
In this tutorial, you will learn how to deploy a Nuxt 3 SSR application with nuxt-vuefire to firebase hosting.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to deploy a Nuxt 3 SSR application with nuxt-vuefire to firebase hosting.
Nuxt 3 - Add 3D with Three.js.
2023-01-18 β€’ β˜•οΈ8 min read
Tutorial on how to add 3D to a Nuxt 3 application with Three.js.
Tutorial on how to add 3D to a Nuxt 3 application with Three.js.
Nuxt 3 - Deploy with Docker Compose and Nginx.
2023-01-16 β€’ β˜•οΈ6 min read
Tutorial on how to deploy a Nuxt 3 application with docker compose and nginx.
Tutorial on how to deploy a Nuxt 3 application with docker compose and nginx.
Geolocation API - Get the users current location with Geolocation API.
2022-11-02 β€’ β˜•οΈ10 min read
Tutorial on how to display the users current location on a google map, using HTML5 and more.
Tutorial on how to display the users current location on a google map, using HTML5 and more.
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